Operation Make the Most of College Scenario II


Codename: Project Macon

The district Alpha convention is in Macon this weekend. Friday they’re having a step show and I’ve rounded up some people to go. At first I was a bit weary because I’m sure the ratio of male to female would be out of control…and them being Greek, they might feel that they are entitled to things. At the same time though, I have faith in my Frat they they would know how to conduct themselves.

One of my favorite people (a Soror and one of two people that knows everything there is to know about me) is coming to town this weekend. Her Greek story is kind of sad just because she crossed in the same semester she graduated. She’s in a grad chapter now, but undergrad and grad experiences aren’t really the same…

So she, one of her line sisters, an older Soror and I are all going to support the “bruh’s” tomorrow. Should be fun times because they are all CRAZY ladies. I’m pretty excited.

Another busy weekend though…

Sat morning: Greek Leadership Retreat
Sat afternoon: Community Adviser Interview (kind of like a RA for those of you that don’t know)
Sat night: Possibly hanging out with some dude from the Padres (athletes don’t float my boat, but my Soror’s brother plays for them and he’s my age. Supposedly he’s a millionaire or something, but I could really care less. To me athletes = arrogance and pretentiousness (is that word?..lol)

If I don’t post anything Sunday, be worried.

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