Fun times! I think…

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Grape (wine house)+ Strip (bar/steakhouse) + Friends house + Companions = Good times.

I would talk about what happened, but I feel good all over right now so…I don’t really want to.

Couple of things though:

The movie Step Up makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I was sleepy, but alcohol has a way of making you not sleepy.

Tipsy texting will probably make no sense sometime tomorrow.

I’m thirsty. :

How do they expect inebriated people to add numbers on receipts?

Note to self: When considering a BMW make sure it’s 6+ series…and don’t get wood paneling.

I can’t feel my nose.

I also can’t really focus on text so excuse spelling errors.

Friends of ex’s are really excellent people! I like them a lot! We should be friends…without the ex because he’s lame. I’m sorry I’m mean! I don’t really mean it…

Actually, the ex is not lame. He’s just a regular person to me now which is a vast improvement over the last time I saw him and I wanted him willingly. Somehow a wedding band turns off certain types of attraction…

Alcohol is a truth serum.


Aight. I’m falling into bed now.

Right after I drink this gatorade…

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1 Comment

  • March 12, 2007 at 10:04 pm

    Grape rocks! I fell in love with thier desert white wine..bought a whole bottle *ahem*. I haven’t made it to Strip yet, the line is always off the chain. But yeah, Grape…good times.


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