What’s your normal?


My work friends make me feel so dysfunctional sometimes.

They’re mostly 30-35 years old. Some married, some have kids one other single person.

I feel like a traitor somehow…explaining topics that are discussed on Black twitter, Black boy blogs, and generally in the microcosm of 20-somethings dating in a college educated middle class Black culture.

I’ve always said, it’s not so much that things are different among the races, but it seems more like whatever dysfunction exists for America as a whole is somehow amplified when you get into the smaller pockets of culture.

Cuffing season…they thought was mind blowing and ridiculously immature…agreed.

Today the topic of sending naked pics came up…they thought junk pictures were hilarious and couldn’t believe dudes send them…agreed. It’s disgusting.

Thought chicks texting pics to randoms/posting pics on instagram was also crazy and didn’t understand why they would…agreed (though I get it for women who make a business of it).

Thought it was strange to date people who didn’t have jobs/lived with their parents/etc…I’ve made concessions here before…nevermore.

Thought if your relationship/marriage is difficult, then maybe you’re trying to force something that wasn’t meant to be…not everything is a “test”…again failed at this before…aint nobody got time for that now.

Thought people should stop trying to pretend to be people they’re not and just find someone who thinks the same way and rock with them relationship wise…agreed

Mostly all things I actually agree with…and gets translated into me having standards that are “too high” when talking to my peers in the black culture worlds…

“Don’t be so uptight!” I’m not. The only person who can hear about or see anything relating to my private parts is the man I’m committed to. Not broadcasting that for randoms to hear/see.

“Give people a chance to develop!” Trial and error thing is okay until age 27 or so… and that’s a reach. After that…sorry I can’t tie myself to a person who hasn’t figured out how to be financially independent by then. It’s about being comfortable with a similar lifestyle.

“It’s a test from God to see if you can make it through the tough times!” Probably, but not in the way you think. God might be just throwing signals to remove yourself

“You have to be A, B, C and accept 1, 2, 3 if you want to be attractive to dudes!” I don’t want to be attractive to all dudes. I want to be attractive to 1 or a small subset of dudes. Like “yay I get more cat calls and dudes telling me what they’d do to me sexually!” Yeah no.


Work friends aren’t perfect either. They have the problems I’d expect to have with dual income households, working moms, family expectations issues…

What’s concerning to me though is that I’m not sure if people grow out of the immature mindset that seems to be so ingrained in the 20 something sect…I know plenty of people in my friends’ age range that still act like entitled “grown ups” who get gassed up on drama and messy situations.

I can’t with that…and it seems to be SO prevalent…

I mean I know I can’t talk much with the recent upswing of fangirl…but that and video games are the only areas where I can just let go and have fun.

Ya’ll saw that list of things that is otherwise on my mind from the other day…I got isht to do!

Also I feel like I have to live my life above the expectations of the hoi polloi…I have it ingrained in me to be more than normal.

I can’t see myself sacrificing time and energy I’d spend on productive areas in my life (work and house stuff) for people who aren’t really worth it…


I don’t know…

Will the accessible Donal.d Glo.vers please stand up?

Maybe it’s just not my time.

LOL I almost feel like my time will come when I get through that laundry list of things to do…maybe around Halloween…

I’m so glad I’m only on the fringes of Black twitter though for real. I’d be the most pessimistic person in the world if I was constantly bombarded by people’s projections of their low self esteem through faux outrage about having to be accountable/generous to others…

(ie 300 sandwiches, 200 dollar dates, child support blow outs on people’s timelines, “woman should be happy they’re harassed on the street” arguments…i can’t!)

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  • September 27, 2013 at 3:46 pm

    You’re not the only one… So glad that I can ignore the foolishness. Be who you are… Then you will find who you’re meant to be with.

    • September 27, 2013 at 4:06 pm

      It’s all I can do…

  • September 27, 2013 at 3:54 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    You spoke so much truth, I don’t even know where to start. I will sum it up with: I totally feel you. It is disconcerting that so many of my peers do not share my not unreasonable values. It’s like there are a bunch of 20-30-somethings living middle-class lifestyles, but somewhere along the way, they lost (or never picked up) the middle class values to go along with it.

    • September 27, 2013 at 4:05 pm


      I was like what is going on?! I don’t understand how people live in that hedonistic world and not think twice about it. It’s exhausting trying to impress everyone all the time like that!

      I honestly want to know where the like-minded people are…though I’m guessing they’re probably too busy living life to be on social media/in the blogosphere…

      At least that’s what I’m hoping.


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