This is a Man’s World


Say you’re 25 years old.

You have unlimited resources money wise, a staff to do anything you want, you’re well known and beloved across the world, you have millions of supportive fans who ride hard for you and want to do you

What would you do?

What kind of things would you want?

How would you use your money?

Remember, you’re 25…technically an adult. but probably still making bad decisions because you don’t know any better yet.

I feel like the answer is a more common one if you’re a dude…basically slanging peen with the hottest women in the world, partying hard, stunting…so on and so forth…

But what are you doing if you’re a chick?

The sex appeal is there for women, but they can’t exactly slang vagina in the same way, not even because of the perceived value of pristine female privates, but more while dudes are like “i’d blah blah blah” that chick, it’s not generally dudes she’d find attractive anyway.

Partying can be a thing, but again a big part of partying is hooking up…do women have groupies like that? Yeah we want to get peened down, but I feel like more than that, even the richest women in the world kinda want to fall back and let a dude handle whatever…what kind of casual dude could parallel the male star/female groupie dynamic in that way?

Stunting…maybe that. Best fashion and cars and house…vacations…

But REALLY….what benefits do money and fame bring to a woman of that age besides that?

For me even at 25, I would have wanted the house and cars…but none of the things I wanted were related to people or stunting on others…I just like certain types of houses that are expensive (like a fully smart voice controlled house where I could be like “GlaDos play Prince” from any room and she would across the whole house…and cool cars like the BMW i9). Also on the fashion part, it’s more having people make or buy clothes for me because nothing ever fits me right and I hate shopping.

NOW if I had that kind of money, still wouldn’t stunt on others. Most people wouldn’t know and I’d start up my foundation for inner city kids.

Having fun with it would probably just be starting my own vault of expensive memorabilia from the harem…that would then be donated to respective museums and things as I get over having certain items…and supporting harem members or their estates financially where I can. I’d also probably do special events for Prince fans because #Love4OneAnother.

Maybe traveling too…and yeah I still want my smart house and i9 that i might drive once a month because people don’t need to know that I have one.

Fun all still just for me in a personal way though…so people stay out of my business and my pocketbook.

I still struggle with that concept…fun…what is that?

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