Slow Clap


Interesting times we’re living in.

Lots of excitement at work yesterday. Was in “mission control” for the division I work for. My office mate was in charge of sending out “the email” for our agency so it was like grand central station in here. Important people in and out of the room…and they were working late into the night.

We all went to bed not knowing of our status for the shut.down. Overall guidance was that we’d be paid by our firm for the rest of the week, PTO next week, then furlough the third week. I have a non-govie contract to work on so I was okay regardless…but my people would have been out there…

Luckily, it turns out all of us are exempt due to our contract being paid for with FY13 money so it’s work as usual for us unless they throw us a “not enough FTE’s for oversight” clause …maybe 5 of them and 60-70 of us in the office. Normally 20 or so of them and 60-70 of us.

Meanwhile Congress is like this :



I thought this wouldn’t take a while to be resolved, but seems like it could be a stalemate for a while. I hope the Moderates get control from the crazy Te.a Parti.ers and get back to running our government. This is ridiculous!

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