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  • September 4, 2012 at 10:04 pm

    Candidates you side with…

    82% Jill Stein
    on foreign policy, science, healthcare, environmental, and immigration issues

    78% Barack Obama
    on science, foreign policy, economic, and environmental issues

    61% Rocky Anderson
    on healthcare and environmental issues

    61% Gary Johnson
    on environmental and immigration issues

    33% Mitt Romney
    no major issues

    2% Virgil Goode
    no major issues

    59% American Voters
    on foreign policy, science, social, domestic policy, environmental, and immigration issues.

    Who you side with by party…
    86% Democratic
    75% Green
    30% Republican
    20% Libertarian

    I am green-ish, but I would never vote for the Green Party. I just happened to give the greenest answers to the green questions. You scored high on Libertarian. I now know never to make you angry, for fear of you drawing your right to bear arms assault weapon and shooting me.

    • September 4, 2012 at 10:14 pm

      I wouldn’t say that. I just feel like no matter how much control you put on stuff, especially stuff like guns, people will have them and use them regardless, especially if you have criminal intent. You can buy ANYTHING on the internet, quite easily. Without getting caught.

      That goes for guns, drugs, whatever.

      I don’t even know how to use a gun and don’t think having one will make you safer. Even think to some degree, the people who do have them are more of a danger. But I don’t think it’s my right or my business to say people can’t have them.

  • September 5, 2012 at 2:31 am

    I was just being sarcastic. I guess I am still taken aback by your “lock and load” remark of last week. The statistics are pretty clear: countries with strict gun control have low homicide rates. It may be too late for the US, though, where gun ownership is part of the constitution, culture and mentality, and there are more guns than people. If I lived there, I might also be inculcated.


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