May the odds be ever in your favor…


I tend to jump on literary bandwagons just before their associated movies come out.

Did it with Lord of the Ri.ngs.

Ha.rry Po.tter


So it would naturally follow that I do the same with The Hun.ger Games by Ms. Collins.

I put the first book on hold at the library but there were 20 people ahead of me in the queue.

I forgot about it for a while until I saw it sitting on my office mate’s desk…asked to borrow it over the weekend (he hadn’t started it yet.)

Pretty much spent the entire weekend reading that and the second book Fire.

REALLY enjoyed the first two books.

Was cool with the third book as well until I got about a quarter of the way in…then it started to take a turn for the worse.

Now I’m struggling to finish because I don’t really care anymore how it ends.

How sad is that? It started out so well…

Even still, I recommend them despite the wayward ending this is turning out to have…if only for the commentary on war and dystopian societies.

It also seemed rather violent and heavy for a youth book…but perhaps that’s more a sign of the times.

I might write more and rant properly when I finish…halfway listening to this tornado stuff that’s going on…

Oh extra points for Lenny Kr.avitz being Cinna!

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