

So the day didn’t exactly go as planned.

I ended up skipping that Psychology class just because I stayed up past my bedtime to talk to people. I hate how you’re like okay 1:30…I’m going to bed. 1:45…2:00. I think I finally got to bed around three. Need at least eight hours to function properly; I don’t think I even got that though, it was a topsy turvy night.

I was also reminded that it’s been forever and a day since I’ve talked to anyone via instant messaging for real. It seemed so foreign as it was happening which is ironic because that used to be my main mode of communication.

Operation Invade Morehouse was a success, though not for the original reason it was supposed to be.

It really was an experience that broadened my horizons, in the academic sense.

Being over there really made wish I’d gone to an HBCU. Just to see all these people that look like me, teachers and students alike. It was so strange to be sitting in a class and hearing a frat do one of their calls. That’s almost unheard of over here at Tech. And then to have teachers who are excited and really caring about their students…I was like, “it really is like a Different World!”

THEN for the first time in life, I saw a member of Iota Phi Theta. I was like Wooow! LOL.

It was so different than Tech.

But at the same time it was unrealistic. What are the odds that once you’re in the workplace, you’ll be surrounded by people of your own race. I wonder how people adjust to the culture shock once they graduate, or even how people who go to single sex schools handle dealing with the opposite sex. I mean I’m sure people have social engagements outside of school, but just to be around certain people in environments that are professional or academic…how do they deal with things like that.

Overall though, the whole thing was an interesting experience and I’m glad I went.

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