July Summary


I came here to just say I was alive still and update this picture to the left that you can see if you’re on a computer to prove said aliveness. Taken Saturday.

Was slightly derailed on my way here and now I have a topic.

July Summary

First, life is uneventful besides work as usual. Project still going. Got stage gate approval from governance to go to Production which will happen Friday. I won’t feel good about until this Pilot is over and it’s released to everyone for use 1 September…so send good thoughts about that if you please.

Secondly, booked flight and accommodations to Minneapolis. Will be attending the tribute for Fairy God Boyfriend, though I don’t have a ticket (not on sale yet) and hopefully they won’t be pricey, should be a good time.

Thirdly, forever alone-ness due to projections probably has gotten worse since we last typed, I am FRESH off of seeing something that made me lose my cool. I am currently unable.


Crap. This person is just…I just hate this.

See biggest fear, always biggest fear, is that I’d encounter someone that would make me lose my cool. Like I am not that affected by people. I don’t get nervous around people no matter who they are, I just consider people, “people” who poo and do other things just like anyone else.

I am aware though because science that there are some people, specifically dudes, who exist on this planet who do pull out IMMEDIATE responses from me. It happened once in person and it’s kind of terrifying because it’s TRULY uncontrollable. Like you CANNOT control how you respond to these people.

One person is an ex from college that I would not come within a mile of because I want no parts of that.

The other is a projection of course, Prin.ce and it makes me SUPER uncomfortable to have such immediate reactions seeing or hearing his music because I kinda pride myself on having measured responses to things.

I usually see something, I consider context, I turn it over in my head and I respond calmly like 10 minutes later.

Saw this….and legit slightly lost it for about 10 minutes.


It is TOO MUCH sometimes…having immediate responses to things. It’s exhausting! I actually feel sick to my stomach when overwhelmed with emotions!

I can’t even IDENTIFY what I felt! Just OVERWHELMED!

How do people do this every day!


Hope your July was good though!

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  • August 5, 2016 at 2:27 pm
    Pretty Primadonna

    Soror…. check your email (and********@*****.com).

    • August 17, 2016 at 7:28 pm

      I saw and put in for it! I hope they didn’t try to call me to set something up tho, I don’t be picking up from strange numbers…lolol oh well…


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