

Me re today :


Emergency self care day today.

Hectic work schedule finally caught up with me. Had a migraine building yesterday.

Then this happened last night.

As did this….

And my migraine peaked.

Tired in more ways than one.

News does hype up similar events to stir up clicks emotions awareness…

And it’s not like any of this is really new or surprising…

But since I was already on edge, all this sent me over.

I was partially annoyed with the delivery work as people wanted everything immediately not knowing about the several proposals I’m supporting too…

And proposal people always want everything immediately because of tight deadlines (both are due today)…

But I can’t be around that added layer of obliviousness today…the race one.

It’d be like :

“Hey you hanging in there KaNisa?”

“No. Not only are you guys wanting the most and being passive aggressive if you don’t get what you want, there’s also an uptick of terror against random Black people and lots of reminders about the objectification of Black Women right now. I’m a real life human being with thoughts and emotions…not a cog in your wheel…work/threat to your existence…white people/hole for you to put your peen in…all dudes, but especially black ones who shold know better as victims of the same thing…”

Of course all that would happen in my head and I’d respond with “I’m doing okay!”

While the right side of my head pulsed with migraine…

Just going to have some medicine…maybe work in my yard…clean the house…

I don’t want to do anything today.

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