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Just set a plan in motion. It’s a somewhat elaborate request for attention yet it’s still a passive aggressive marketing technique via social media. I shall elaborate more if it is successful. Will be EPIC if it works!

Yoooo…I was so ready for Mr. G to leave Community. In my head Troy != Mr G….plus it certainly seemed as if he’s outgrown the role as he’s a good bit more mature for the most part….But when they introduced how he’d leave the show….I wasn’t ready for what I felt! I mean I’ve seen every episode of Community and found Troy to be a loveable doofus type character (which kinda rubbed me wrong, but he was easy on the eyes so I could stomach it). He’s been a stable consistent character over the years! To his credit and detriment…never got very deep, but then again none of the characters on the show did which was the point.

I digress…

There was such an added weight to the discussions surrounding his departure…the feels!

Lol at Childish Tycoon too…


I had to watch this again…those are F bombs in here, right? I guess they’re assuming the audience doesn’t know English? I don’t think I’ve ever heard profanity in a kpop song for this target age…

I promised I wouldn’t say too much about this (lol) but MAN I am a pristine chaste angel of pureness apparently, lololol though I have started a list of questions for next time. For research.

I feel like people aren’t appreciating this enough! The artist erased Garfield out of all the comics so it’s just Jon. Amazing!

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  • January 18, 2014 at 1:22 am

    What do you find brilliant about the minus Garfield comic? I looked at it before reading what you wrote, and not knowing it was a Garfield comic, I thought it was a banal and pointless. It is clearer to me now what Garfield’s role is.

    • January 18, 2014 at 11:26 am

      Just reread what I wrote. It comes across a bit harsh, not my intention, sorry. I see the creative aspect in the idea of removing Garfield from the comic, but without Garfield in it, it now seems somewhat meaningless (which I suppose is ironic because this particular installement addresses the meaninglessness of life).

      • January 18, 2014 at 3:16 pm

        It’s fine!

        I didn’t remember much about Garfield since it’s been probably 10+ years since I saw a comics section so I didn’t realize Jon could actually hear what Garfield thought.

        After reading up on them, it did take away some of the brilliance, but still kinda funny to witness Jon’s “existential angst” as the author describes it.

        I especially identified with this one this week. It was a real fake it till you make it kind of week…

  • January 18, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    Color me curious on that “plan” tweet and the dinner tweet!! *eyebrow raise* I’m nosy :lol:

    And the garfield without garfield made me giggle a bit. You be having some really cool stuff on here #ebonics. I need to figure out my rss reader life, so I get all my blog reading in a stream. Smh.

    See you round the tweet streets, boo!

    • January 22, 2014 at 9:41 am


      Yeah, I don’t think “the plan” will be successful…I’ll keep it going at least for a month or two…then reveal what it was I think…


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