


Back in the day, when I was young, I was a huge fan of Lo.rd of the Rings. Still have my mini shrine on my bookcases actually…

Fan of both the movies and the books of course…

And the fan fiction…

AND of a certain characters…Ar.agorn, son of Arat.horn as portrayed by Vig.go Moretens.on


And of course Lego.las Gree.nleaf as portrayed by O.rlando (you have to say it like that.)


This poster was on my wall for much of high school and my first year of college (LOL) :


And I think I have an autographed picture somewhere from when I wrote his fan club in high school, lol…

I digress…

Mr Bl.oom has been in the news as he is recently divorced from his wife (and my favorite Vict.oria’s model) Mira.nda K.err:


They have a son together who will probably be  amazingly symmetrical faced.

He’s also starring in an updated version of R.omeo and .Juliet on Broa.dway…where Juliet is Con.dola Ra.shad, daughter of Phylic.ia and Amha.d Ras.hād:

Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad Are Broadway's Romeo and Juliet

Here’s a recent interview on the Col.bert Rep.ort :

Takes me back man!

I say, those childhood obsessions stay with you! If you reach wall art status, I will always have a special place for you in my heart, no matter how much time passes!

Favorite moment of all his interviews from back in the day :

I still use the “and then you WOKE UP” line…lol

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  • November 4, 2013 at 3:58 am

    That’s The Graham Norton show? Outlandishly funny. Saw one where he plied his guests with alcohol, and Mark Wahlberg got drunk and groped everyone, including Sarah Silverman and host Graham Norton. Censorship would never allow a show like that to be made on this continent. A pity.

    • November 4, 2013 at 5:06 am

      It’s on BBC America! We can at least watch it that way!


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