The Toby Diaries


So I got a dog.

His birthday is April 2, 2021.

His gotcha day, June 5, 2021.

I’ve been thinking about a dog for a while…one came to visit (aka pee in my yard while on a stroll through the neighborhood as he got away from his humans). I scooped him and did the customary post on the neighborhood Facebook group after the numbers on his collar didn’t yield anyone picking up.

He looked to be a Shih Tzu, the dog Akane was that I had as a teen….he was really sweet! I gave him water and we hung out on my porch until his people called to collect him.

His visit made me realize how much I missed that dog experience…I always found dog training videos super interesting…and would watch those shows all the time. I’d watch the youtube training videos too…more for Cane Corsos which would be a MISTAKE for someone like me to have…not only are those legit bigger than me, they would be super protective of me too as I’m always by myself and don’t get a lot of visitors.

I was familiar with the temperament of a Shih Tzu though…and I was curious about what having a boy dog would be like…

Enter Toby.

A Shih Tzu/Bichon Mix.

Preparing for his arrival got me out of a personal rut I’ve been in. I deep cleaned my whole downstairs, bedroom and bathroom Marie Kando Style (still working on the clothes part). Pups get into everything so I had to make sure there was nothing within reach that he can get to. I now go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up a few hours before work (previously stayed up until whenever and woke up minutes before work started). I’m even eating more! I usually only eat once a day and now I eat at least twice if not 3 times!

Another interesting side effect is that I’ve been talking about doing a “divine femininity” study. It was mostly reading books and getting stuff to wear to embrace it more…who knew that THIS would be the thing that accelerated those lessons! I was nurturing before, but not quite like this. Hand feeding Toby, sleeping with him within ear reach so I can hear him if he needs something (he was dry heaving at night and it woke me right up), cuddles when he hurts himself or pretending everything is fine when he’s having a time….it’s a lot! I don’t want to diminish human moms at all…this experience so far is giving me even more appreciation for folks who have ever carried life…but wow! So much goes in to raising little ones! I feel like some part of me has unlocked…I even found myself swaying my hips some when walking to the kitchen to fix his breakfast, lololol….

I’m only at the very beginning of this journey…but I’m so interested in how this will turn out for me as well as Young Toby. He’s a sweetheart and a joy to have!

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A Real Boy…


  • June 11, 2022 at 2:22 pm

    Amazing how often Prince comes up in interviews with Joni Mitchell. Here are a few examples. Perhaps you’ve already seen them. (until 23:05)

    • September 14, 2022 at 11:05 am

      PATRICE! I’d mostly set this blog aside and was coming back to use it again because it’s a great outlet! GOOD TO SEE YOU!


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