Hair Stuff


Haven’t had a hair update on here in a second.

So I stopped with the Ovation a few weeks ago. No reason really other than I got paranoid about it.

I sent my hair to be analyzed for texture, porosity and things and thought I’d wait for the results to continue.

When I stopped using it, it got really dry for some reason so I’ve been combating that.

Today I was just like “eff that”, put my protein treatment in, and straightened it.

Marinating with the treatment :

After blow drying :

Finished :


Next part is waiting two days and washing my hair. Posed to flat iron it again for straight hair, or you can just leave it curly. I used a bit too much of the stuff, so it’ll have the pink oil effect for a few days, but that’s fine by me I guess.

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  • September 11, 2012 at 9:17 am

    The coiled and uncoiled length difference is remarkable. You have DNA hair.

    • September 11, 2012 at 6:43 pm

      Isn’t it? Pretty cool and sometimes sad for when i want it to be curly, but not THAT curly.


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