Dance to the Music!

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I did it!

The Big Chop has happened!

I am fwee!

So I was washing my hair today and trying to figure out how I would style it. The two textures were really getting out of control…I had SO MUCH new growth and SO MUCH relaxed long hair, I just didn’t know what to do with it. I was like…I really gotta cut this…then I can just let it grow with one texture and not worry about it anymore. I grabbed some scissors and got to work.

I thought it would be traumatic, but it really wasn’t! I feel so liberated! I am no longer a slave to yt beauty!

Now I REALLY need to learn how to braid…a month from now this stuff will be twice as long I already know…only been natural since February and look how long it is!

I gotta get like a curl enhancer or something…I just picked it out so I could get at the relaxed ends, but I want to make this kind of curl stay:

I still need to go shape things up, but here’s how it looks!



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1 Comment

  • April 28, 2008 at 3:22 pm

    CONGRATS! I did the EXACT same thing. two textures was workin on my NERVES. ;-) WELCOME!


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