Back to my Roots


I know I look divine in my locks, but this is such a hassle… how about I now have swollen lymph nodes due to me being allergic to the hair they twisted in?!

I felt huge lumps about an inch behind each ear and called my sister in panic (she’s a licensed pediatrician.) She says the tiny bumps on my scalp (from tight hair and me being allergic to the alkaline) are healing and the nodes are swelling because they are producing lots of KaNisa soldiers (the stuff that actually heals up my scalp).


I now know to wash any and all hair with a neutralizer before I let someone touch my head with it…

Next product I’m trying since the organic root stimulator ain’t all that after all…


So far, (for real this time) no itching whatsoever.

I also got Sulpher8 as a backup plan in case this doesn’t work out.

In related news…


The reactions of people who have seen me have been…interesting.

Some of my peeps think I look completely different (does hair make that much of a difference?!)

At work, everybody stops in to look at me (like for real…some have asked if they could feel my hair, others ask how long it took, etc.)

In public, people kind of clear the way when they see me coming toward them (for real…I’ don’t know why…)

My mother says they probably think I’m some kind of African princess.

I was like….rrriiiggghhht….



If only all these people knew my tribulations with these things…

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  • February 25, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    so the alkaline is the culprit! I had the same issue but as I commented before, I took the benedryl and the swelling went down but it’s nice to know why now! I’mma have to try that rasta stuff cause this natural oil spritz ain’t gettin it. My head itchs and my dandruff is off the chain, I think I may be allergic to one of the oils she put in it. Oh well, the product search continues!

  • February 25, 2008 at 11:39 pm

    Yes ma’am!

    They say if you wash the hair with the vinegar stuff you mentioned, a white film will come off the hair!


    I switch back and forth between the Sulpher8 and the rasta stuff both are medicated. Haven’t seen any dandruff yet.


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