

My response every time I hear something terrible happens : “Probably.”

America is pretty much a mess right now.

Between heightened racial tension, police brutality, and gender wars dominating the news…it’s a wonder we’re able to do anything productive really.

Oh except SOMEONE  WAS being productive…

Like the people sneaking THIS kind of nonsense into the next CR since we don’t pass budgets anymore…

How convenient right?

Not to say people have been “wagging the dog” lately since the other issues I mentioned are very real and important, but I can’t help but think the other stuff was spun up partially to distract everyone from what our elected people are doing.

Actually, I think people can get away with a lot because of the way ideas are worded by the media…or popular people on social networks…and people’s penchant for not seeing if the things they hear are legit.

Example :

People are upset about the Sor.ority Sis.ters show that I kinda of kicked off protest about several months ago.

It comes on Monday.

People promoted Mon.a Youn.g to the executive producer position for the show (she’s not) because it’s assumed to be in the style of her other shows and that idea fits their narrative.

Talking about how we’re mad that we keep getting portrayed in a negative light which encourages the idea that Black Women are all one way…

Except, I’m pretty sure those shows are more popular with Black women and maybe gay guys than anyone else so….perpetuating sterotypes internally?


In general though, I am over people ice bucket challenging die in’s (someone on twitter nailed why I was so annoyed by those with that comparison)…

Or expecting celebrities to be the moral guide and stand up for black people (not really their role, but it’s nice if they’re serious about doing so)…

Or getting mad that cultural stuff is shared so people outside our culture can see too (although I doubt many people have much interest in seeing such things besides us)…

Let’s all turn off the tv/internet/etc and go look at Christmas Lights, or have a bonfire, or adopt a family or kid so they can have a good Christmas…

We all need a break.

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