New Harem Addition : The Radiant Child


Rounding out my obsession with Bas.quiat. Been into him for several years, but just now vetting him for the Harem.


(Again I obviously have a type because all the people that draw my eye could be brothers or cousins at most…)

I NEED that in poster form by the way! For above my bed (lol).

Went to his notebook exhibit a few weeks ago.

Bought my mom all this stuff because she likes him too.

Watched The Radiant Child with my parents last time I was home.

Read this book about his ex-girlfriend.


The man was BRILLIANT! No doubt! I also ABSOULTELY admire his intense living style.

He generally had no filter at all…he lived 200%…didn’t care about consequences…he just did stuff.

That’s actually super admirable in itself…that’s really tough to do even 50%…and something I know I struggle with. I could live a little more.

Not THAT much though.

That dude’s peen was riddled with all things…

Still though…this is someone that is absolutely a role model.

Live unapologetically.

The only way to truly unlock your talent is to truly unlock yourself…by any means necessary.


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