In the name of entertainment


High horse theme of the moment : If it isn’t good for kids, it probably isn’t good for adults either.

Lots of people like to say “I’m grown” as justifications for the things they do. I wonder though what they really mean when they say that.

They’re adults that can do what they want?

They don’t need permission to make their own decisions?

They’ll take responsibility for their own actions?

Thinking more the former than the latter.

A lot of people say certain things are not appropriate for kids…but why?

Really think about that…Why are some things not appropriate for kids, but appropriate for adults?

Because they lack the maturity to process it? Some people never learn no matter how old they are…

That video in my last post didn’t really go left until the Hitler part.

Here’s it is again…

Reason vs. Emotion

Watching B.lack Dynamit.e on Carto.on Ne.twork yesterday.

I don’t know how I feel about it.

Did I laugh? A few times, but it wasn’t hilarious.

Did I get the satire, yes.

Did I cringe anyway? A lot.

My apprehensiveness about this show is more about how it was received.

I took to twitter after watching. Searched for the tags..most of the results were people saying they were watching, or were about to watch (it was on again for the west coast).

Many tweets were retweeting and laughing about particularly offensive parts…like :

Mic.hael Jack.son : “Yo b*tch chose me” Dyn.amite : “That’s where you’re wrong, my b*tches don’t chose shit!”

Or Dyn.amite : “God d*mnit I already told the 2nd b*tch no!!!!!” (He woke up from a bad dream in bed with 4 or 5 women. They each asked if he was okay/if he needed anything)

The women were mostly one dimensional sex objects, save the Hone.y Be.e character. Lots of promo scenes with them being very curvy, breasts popping everywhere, underwear falling down legs…

I get the satire…I’ve watched my mom’s collection Blaxpotiation tapes.

It WAS overt with sexuality and “cool”.

Even just finished a Pam Grier autobiography.

Thing is though…i clicked to the timelines of the people laughing so hard about “b*tches”.

There was a pattern…of lack of respect for women as people.

Even the chicks that were laughing so hard about it…pattern of a lack of respect or awareness of themselves.

Or the non-black people…pattern of “us and them”.

Just wondering…how does a show like this impact people who miss the satire aspect and accept it as normal?

If it’s not appropriate for a child to watch this…seemingly because of the “adult” themes of sexuality, crass humor, etc….is it appropriate for someone who misses the deeper messages?

Or should it simply be enjoyed on all levels?

It just bothers me that it’s so free with the violence against/objectivity of women…and the audience for the show seemingly accepts this as normal and even entertaining.

I kind of hope this and a few more episodes are to gain an audience before turning the mirror on them like Boondocks did.

Otherwise I just can’t with this one…

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Disney’s 1943 Reason and Emotion
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Marathon Mode of the Moment


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