Show you what’s really good. Break you off like you knew I would…


Note: Okay I’m sorry for all the Prince jocking lately, but dangnabit, I can’t help it. I’m in the infatuation phase with him again….

While I was driving along with my mother the other day “Adore” came on the radio and Mother casually mentioned that she’s met Prince before.

I was like, “WHAAAAAA?!?!?!” and swerved off the road to give her my full attention. It turns out that when we lived in Michigan, my mother’s friend came to visit. Mother was dropping hanging out with said friend at the hotel where they saw a man that looked very much like Prince. My mother pointed him out to her friend and said, “hey he looks just like Prince!” and he smiled at them. They went over and lo and behold…it was him. They didn’t ask for an autograph or anything (bishes) but they did sit and chat with him for a while. He was in town for a concert (which by the way my parents had front row seats to but DIDN’T GO…BISHES!) She said he was very nice and not as dramatic as he’s depicted in the media.

Mind you this was prince circa 1984 or so…

I stared at my mother in silence for about five minutes after that story. Her stories are so funny. Out of the blue she’ll drop bombs like, “I met Denzel Washington at Pappadeaux’s yesterday,” and then walk away.

She asked me if I knew anything about the background of Prince. Usually whenever I become infatuated with a celebrity, I find out everything I can about them…birthday, birthplace, sibling information, etc. I was surprised to realize that I knew nothing about my new harem inductee. I’ve done a little research today. I bring to you

A Short Prince Biography

Born Prince Rogers Nelson June 7, 1958, in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Prince was born with music in his blood. His father was a Jazz pianist and encouraged his son’s musical talent, buying him his first guitar at a young age.

He has a one sister, Tyka. She is two years his junior.

His parents divorced shortly after Tyka was born.

Due to a troubled relationship with his stepfather, Prince ran away. He lived with his father for a while then later with a neighborhood family, the Andersons.

Prince befriended that family’s son and together they joined Prince’s cousin Charles Smith in a band called Grand Central, formed in junior high school.

By the time Prince had entered high school, Grand Central evolved into Champagne.

Prince’s first album for Warner Bros, released in 1978, was titled For You.
The majority of For You was written and performed by Prince, except for the song Soft and Wet.

Prince was backed in the 80s by The Revolution, and in the 90s by the New Power Generation. He also worked on different occasions with famous jazz and funk musicians, such as Miles Davis, Larry Graham, George Clinton, and Maceo Parker.

1987 saw the potential for two of pop’s biggest stars coming together to perform a duet. Michael Jackson talked with Prince about performing a duet together for the title track of his new album Bad. Prince liked the idea, seeing as Jackson was his main rival in pop stardom, so he agreed to it. However, Jackson and Prince ended up having creative differences in the lyrics and beats for the song. Finally, Prince left the project when he thought Jackson wasn’t making the song dark enough.

On New Year’s Eve of 2001, Prince married his former Paisley Park employee Manuela Testolini and became a Jehovah’s Witness.

Tevin Campell, Carmen Electra, and Jill Jones are among his many protégées.

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