

Posted this on fb yesterday after another comment thread got heated. I think I’m done talking about all this otherwise…


E-streets are hot. Honestly this turmoil is ever present if you’re an underrepresented minority in any way (race, gender, sexuality, etc), but people are speaking up now instead throwing side eyes at the insensitive comments they hear at the water cooler. (Yes people who protest have jobs…)

For the people who are like o_O, ask questions and don’t assume. It’s hard to form your own opinion with messages that are repeated over and over, but these days the media is for ratings not facts. This isn’t coming from nowhere, and it seems no one really paid attention to people complaining about these same issues until it started to become disruptive…

For those who are upset, be aware of how you convey yourself when enlightening someone. We’re extremely frustrated, but the people who don’t get it truly don’t understand why. If your aim is really to share your perspective, break it down in a way that doesn’t make someone defensive. You’ve lost them once they get to that point…

Let’s all just remember the we’re all HUMAN BEINGS. Might look a little different, but our insides are the same. If you fear or are unsure about that Black/White/Latino/Asian/Lesbian/Gay/Transgender/Man/Woman/etc PERSON you don’t know over there, walk over and get to know them.


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