In Summary


(My tweets from yesterday)

It’s not really that things have gotten worse, it’s more that we’re just aware of said things.

My parents are like “yep” while the younger generation is like “what do you mean that’s the way things are?! Injustice!”

The question is how do you fight the human response of fearing and protecting yourself against the unknown?

How do you fight ignorance especially when it is rooted in some deep seated issues?

Between race, sex, culture, religion…same script different cast since the beginning of time…

If you feel justified in something you’ve done, even if there is a consequence, does that change anything or did you just become a martyr?

I don’t know what the answer is. Alien invasion? #lbvs though that would only be a temporary cease fire.

Though knowing humans, someone would be trying to negotiate selling weapons for profit to the invaders…

My previous “I believe the children are our feature. Teach them well and let them lead the way” theory is faulty.

Requires authentic and secure adults to do said teaching and I’m not sure there are enough to create a critical mass of well raised kids to lead.

Or not lead, but just be.

Insecurity is the root of all evil.

Relevant News Items

Again, what to say about this song being every bit as relevant now as it was almost 50 years ago…

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