Thought piece-ing


The commentary continues to roll in with the latest example of trigger happy policing and such.

I do generally side eye marches, twitter activism and such due to the “here today gone tomorrow” nature of it, however, I feel like a lot of the tension or thoughts are ALWAYS there with disadvantaged groups. The “minimizing yourself to not bring unwanted attention” is always a thing we’re aware of so it’s not really new or surprising when something happens.

I think it’s cool that a lot of celebrities are using their reach to speak out regarding. It’s a reminder to everyone that at the end of the day, despite their money and fame, they are still just normal human beings with the same problems all of us have (plus a few more really).

Especially pumped at the Black men reminding their followers that they’re still Black men…and not the characters/personas/projections all their fans and followers have made them out to be. Any of them could easily be the guy with his hands up and wasted if he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time…doesn’t even matter if they’re a beloved character or singer or entertainer.

I’m actually terrified for them really…and for all Black dudes…

Like what would help things get better? I feel like people, besides the usual suspects, wouldn’t really be outraged until something overly obvious and horrible happened…like something completely over the top that is impossible to ignore by even the most insulated racially homogenous communities…

Or maybe not even then…

I don’t know…

But I appreciate those who have a huge following of people who don’t necessarily look like them speaking up and letting people know that their reality is one that aligns with every other person that looks like them…and that in a place where skin color DOES matter, accomplishments, money, and fame won’t save even them…


The series of tweets

Mr. Stephens and Mr. Williams

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