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SO upset UGH! Way too old for this. I’m glad all this stuff is free or I’d be broke. Take note everyone else trying to sell stuff! Appeal to people’s nostalgic memories, and be personal in your products you too can cash out!

So it’s funny that I’m basically 2 years old (see the last entry).

Because it seems my mind has been forced back to pubescence.

Going hard on the fan girl to help deal since I’ve been on PTO for a while and can’t quite drown myself in work.

I literally feel like I’m 14 because of the undermining…and then all that this dude is doing keeps me regressed because it speaks to my soul in the way I expect tweens feel about Justin B (lol).

These songs are on repeat in my car or on my headphones :

And he keeps releasing new content of some type every week. This week’s :

I cannot maintain this and keep my sanity.

Maybe it’s me tapping into the freedom in which he’s able to do what he wants…living vicariously.

Dare to dream, then dare to do, you know?

While your parents are on the other side of the country…

Kind of defeats the purpose of going to Big Lots if you go and spend mounds of money.

Most random store ever. I was still deciding about the color scheme of the downstairs area and the builder of my house sent me these as an appreciation gift because he’s AWESOME :



Therefore I went to big lots and got all deez :



Occasional table set too. Two end tables and a coffee table. Faux iron and glass for 129.

And a circle mirror for the water closet.

Just need a rug…and need to finish the built-ins and that’ll be good to go.

(Questionable stuff in the background are examples of things I “NEED” to do…like the semi-finished under cabinet lighting and spraying for roach poison…I had a heart attack when he finished and there was residue on my brand new floors, but it wipes up thankfully…)

 Kind of want to have two housewarmings…one where I can play music with the n word in it…the other for work friends….

Don’t know how to pull this off. Lots of work people want to come see, but I kind of want to do a house party and I’m in a hip hop cycle right now…

Thought maybe doing a looky loo one for work people…and a listening party for Childish Gambino’s new album for the people who would be comfortable with music like the above.

One earlier in the day and one later?

Of course I have to be different and the listening party would be a real Experience KaNisa style instead of just a regular party with music.

Thinking multiple listening rooms depending on how engrossed you want to be in the music (full out with surround sound and projections to background music for people playing spades, lol).

Not sure if work friends or neighbors would be into that.

Though my office mate HAS been to an Eminem concert and one of the most popular clubs in Atlanta (Compound if you know it)….

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  • July 31, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    If you have to say “water closet” instead of “toilet”, how will you ever bring yourself to play music with the n-word in it at your housewarming . . . ?

    • July 31, 2013 at 5:49 pm

      Well I think it fits still. He has another bars where he talks about Trader Joe’s (a boutique grocery store) running out of his favorite juice…


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