Musak or really just thoughts about Mr. G.


So in true me fashion, when things are uneventful/annoying on the dude front, dude energy gets redirected at whoever fan girl KaNisa is focused on.

Fan girl KaNisa is still on Mr. Glo.ver.


Recent developments have revealed that Mr. Glo.ver has reduced his role on the show Community so that he may focus more on his other professional pursuits.


While Community is a fun show, it’s definitely run its course, especially for him.

Been listening to his catalog of music a lot lately…

He’s mentioned being stressed about the pressure in his music before, but for some reason, this song seemed to stand out.

There are some things hugely successful cross-over Black entertainers have in common.

They get jaded by the fame, pigeonholed by their fans, typecast by the industry, and confused in general themselves…all that work and dedication just to be reduced to a caricature?

(Which I realize I’m doing now, but bear with me.)

Not fair…and must be mentally draining.

Think Will Smith, Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor…

All hugely successful, and all ended up side-eying the institutions that made them famous in the end when they realized they had to shuck and jive to stay popular.

Seems like Mr. G is coming up on that now.

Even worse because he hasn’t really been accepted by his own community the way Mr Smith, Mr Chappelle, and Mr Pryor have.

I really hope he’s able to push through it and be a genuine success regardless of whatever expectations people place on him though.

I can’t really think of many Black cross-genre celebs that were able to escape the “White People Society has decided I am their non-threatening best friend” thing and be truly successful based on their massive catalog of work…maybe Whoopi, Oprah, Denzel?

Is that it?

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