Leaps from a cliff


Thought I was getting somewhere with Comcast this morning. Wrote their corporate customer service people about it taking 2 months to get someone out to check the serviceability of my house. Final straw was my neighbor across the street getting hers installed even though my house is older and she JUST moved in last week.

Got a call on Friday that they had no updates.

Same Saturday.

This morning someone called and said my house was fine and that the tower was in my neighbor behind me’s yard. They said when they came out they were trying to connect me from the front. Suggested that I call to get set up and that he’d leave notes about where to hook me up to in the notes of the ticket.

Called 6 times. On hold for about 2 hours total. Never reached a human.

Tried their online chat. They said they couldn’t help and told me to call.

Waited later in the day when traffic might be lower…and the customer service line is broken. It loops. After fowarding to the sales department, the entire feedback loop starts over…then hangs up on you.

Logged back into their chat to ask for a number that went directly to their sales department.

The following is what happened :

Problem: Tried to call the customer service line but there’s a loop. When it forwards me to sales, numbers are dialed and it sends
me back to the beginning of the customer service feedback loop. Is there a number that goes directly to sales?

Jera > Hello KaNisa, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Jera. Please give me one moment to review your
Jera > Thank you for providing me w ith your information at the onset of the chat. I am glad I have you here w ith me today.
Jera > I understand that you w ant to be connected to our Sales partners.
KaNisa > yes
Jera > I’m sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, KaNisa.
Jera > May I know the reason w hy you w ant to be connected to our Sales partners?
KaNisa > i tried a chat earlier and they said they couldn’t help and i’d have to call the main line
Jera > Alright. May I know w hy you w ere advised to call our Sales group?
KaNisa > trying to get services upgraded at my new address. got a call from corporate exec this morning as a follow up call to a
complaint and they said i just needed to call to get services installed at my new address
Jera > Thank you for this information.
Jera > Are you trying to request for transfer of service?
KaNisa > already did tw o months ago. they said they had to send someone out and i hadn’t heard anything until this morning after
sending an email up the chain to complain.
Jera > I am sorry to know this. May I know your new address so I can search it?
KaNisa > it likely w on’t come up in the system as i’ve been told, but [Redacted]
Jera > Thank you.
Jera > Please give me 2 minutes to check this.
KaNisa > the person w ho called this morning said he’d put in the notes that the tow er w as in the neighbor behind me’s yard and that
there shouldn’t be a problem.
KaNisa > the ticket number is [Redacted] if that helps
Jera > Thank you.
Jera > May I know your current address w ith active Comcast service?
KaNisa > i haven’t lived there for a month, but it might be under [Redacted]
Jera > Since this is about for service transfer. Let me refer you to our Sales team specifically for service transfer. Is that alright?
KaNisa > do you have a number w here i can contact them directly? that w hat i w as calling for and the number is on a loop
Jera > I w ill just have to transfer this chat to them.
Jera > No need to call a number.
KaNisa > ok
Jera > Please stay connected to the chat for the next available representative. Thank you for choosing Comcast. We value your
Jera > Please w ait, w hile the problem is escalated to another analyst

Gourav > I see you are interested in adding Comcast services. It’s my pleasure to process your order and answ er any questions you
may have.
KaNisa > yes i w as trying to complete the transfer of my account to my new address. it’s been about a month now since i’ve moved
and after escalating my issue to corporate someone called this morning and said there w as a tow er in my neighbors yard behind me
and there shouldn’t be an issue to get me set up
KaNisa > the person i spoke to said he left notes about this in the ticket and i should call to schedule an installation.
KaNisa > ticket [Redacted]
Gourav > Alright, Kaniska. (!)
Gourav > Let me check w hat best I can do for you.
Gourav > Kaniska, I apologize for any inconvenience, but unfortunately the information entered on the w ebsite w as not passed over to
me. May I ask you a few questions, beginning w ith your full name, to get started?.
KaNisa > KaNisa [Redacted]
KaNisa > you w ill find that my address is not in your system…just to let you know
Gourav > May I know your new address and telephone number, please?
KaNisa > [Redacted]
KaNisa > [Redacted]
Gourav > Thank you.
Gourav > Kaniska (!), for the security of the account, May I know your current account number?
KaNisa > [Redacted]
Gourav > Thank you.
Gourav > Please allow me couple of minutes to pull up your account details and check the serviceability of the new address.

Gourav > Please stay connected, it w ill take couple of more minutes.
Gourav > Thank you for your patience, Kaniska (!).
Gourav > I checked on our database and I’m afraid that your address is currently not serviceable by Comcast.
Gourav > Our netw ork engineers are constantly expanding our netw ork and w e hope to be servicing your area soon so please check
back often.




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  • August 27, 2013 at 12:38 pm

    I took my issues with Comcast to twitter. Several people reached out to me. I also had to call the dispatcher directly. Customer service will tell you they don’t have access to get someone out immediately. They are lying. The information to directly contact the dispatcher/service people is on the Google. Also, since you blog, you can write a post with the word ‘Comcast’ in it over and over and over. (I did one post with Comcast 100’s of times. No real post. Just the company name.) They will contact you and try to resolve your issues.

  • August 27, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    Yeah I did get some pings via Twitter as well though they referred me back to corporate again. They were only partially helpful.

    I did get a local comcast help number. On the phone with them now. Next step is to have a three way call with the corporate person who said it shouldn’t be a problem and a local person. He’s out of the office today, but is defintely happening tomorrow.


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