DC Weekend Adventure #5 : Dinner in the City

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We interrupt this Kwanzaa celebration to bring you an update on life.

After much procrastinating, I finally bit the bullet and rang up a friend of a good friend I have that lives up here. I thought it would be random for me to call some dude just because we have a dude friend in common but since it would be COMPLETELY lame to spend a 4 day weekend cooped up moping, I shouted one a holler.

I’m quite glad I did!

On a whim whilst walking around the mall on a quest for the following Converse sneakers:

(Them ishts are comfortable btw..)

I called up dude. He was very nice! He invited me to have dinner with him and his good friend later on at a placed called the Matchbox in DC. I drove on out (this time without directions…and I didn’t even get lost!) and met them there.

I walked into the place and it was really crowded. Since I didn’t see any Black people around, I called dude to see if they were there before I put my name down for a table. Dude was there and we conversed via phone trying to find each other. Eventually I saw a Black face moving toward me and I thought “LAWD PLEASE let that be him! He fo-whine!!” and lo and behold it was! I was like, “YES!!!” (LOL).

Dude’s friend came in from parking the car and lo and behold, he was attractive too!

What more could a girl ask for? Dinner with two attractive Black men!

(I know what you must be thinking…”dinner with two attractive Black men” who are “good friends…” in Atlanta that would mean gay, but I didn’t pick up that vibe. (I’m usually pretty good at that too…can spot them a mile away). I’m going to assume that they like people with vaginas. It would hurt my heart if they didn’t… we need more attractive Black men on our team.)


These guys are more my speed of life as far as hanging out goes. Their tastes are a little more refined than the DC people I hung out with before…and they’re a bit older and intellectual. They’re also musicians and are part of a musical group which is pretty interesting and degreed or working on degree in public policy and finance. One in particular is a kindred spirit. He shares my appreciation for nature, the kids, and the ability to see stars at night…AND curiously, his namesake is a Harlem renaissance poet AND he fo-whine! All night long I was like, “Why does your name sound so familiar?!?!” and it clicked a couple of minutes ago.

I might invite them way out to the burbs for dinner next weekend. We shall see…

But yaaay….cool people!

Back to our regularly scheduled program…

Kwanzaa Day 5 : Nia


Purpose – To restore African American people to their traditional greatness. To be responsible to Those Who Came Before (our ancestors) and to Those Who Will Follow (our descendants).

Nas – I Can

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1 Comment

  • January 6, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    […] my first dinner party in my own home…(In progress…I’ve just scheduled one and invited the dudes from last weekend’s […]


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