The Morning After


That moment when you’re trying to encourage your parents to leave and you end up needing assistance…

A little worse for the wear today. All the minor pains from yesterday became a bit more noticeable this morning. Pain in my side is a bruised rib. Had a pain scale 1 annoyance in my ankle that wasnt even mentionable, and today can’t walk on it.

Brusies also on my legs and back.

How does THAT work? I felt okay yesterday…

Even worked on my dining set some more. Was spray painting them black the other day and had missed spots. Was carting those around just fine last night…

Got up to go to work this morning and my body said



Maybe the pain means its just healing? Like that time after I was bamboozled into that race. Nothing really hurt until the day after. Took a few days to return to normal walk wise though.

Ain’t nobody got time for dat!

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  • August 14, 2013 at 9:20 am

    I think the pain indicates damage and inflammation. The delayed onset of pain and stiffness or increased intensity of pain the following day is normal. Have a doctor look at your ribs and make sure s/he orders a CT or MRI since it is not always obvious if they are fractured without one. How are you feeling today?

    • August 14, 2013 at 10:26 am

      Just generally stiff today. Went to work and am taking it slow motorwise. Everything is just bruises and sprains. Though it’s interesting that sprains are more serious as an adult. I swear everyone got them all the time in grade school, but I guess when you’re still growing, things heal quicker. For adults they say it takes months sometimes!

      Trusty ibuprofen will get me through the day today! I’m trying to walk more and bend my ankle as it’s weak. I can’t point my right foot and that’s my driving foot. Putting along the road for now.


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