

This is how sadness happens.

I mean this is a really nice heart warming video, but man, can we put some context around this?

Maybe things have changed since I was at Tech, but CS was nowhere near this cool when I was a CS major.

I was bamboozled a bit myself in that the first few years of CS was straight up code, math, more code, more math…nothing really cool like this.

If you DID do this stuff, it was in a Special Topics class toward the end of your time at Tech, or if you were lucky enough to do some research.

Otherwise all this stuff seems to be Grad School type work.

I could be wrong though, maybe things HAVE changed. The building she goes into didn’t exist when I was there either.

And maybe they’re not marketing to undergrads…maybe the older version of the girl is a grad student.

I can’t fully co-sign this though.

Let that girl walk around some Calc II recitations to be a bit more realistic about what she’ll encounter.

Let her see some students weeping over their 30’s or jumping for joy over their 50’s that somehow add up to A’s at the end of the semester.

I’m all about realism.

It’s not always or may not ever be this cool. There’s TONS of work and TONS of difficult foundation classes that come before even thinking about classes in programming for AI.

Just sayin….

That would be cool though…to do UX for AI…to be a robot psychologist…

*writes that down for the future

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  • October 17, 2012 at 10:11 am

    You are right, but at the same time, you don’t want to scare people away with theory, foundation, and fundamentals.

    Why is this video is so heavy in robotics? What about all the other fascinating aspects of computer science? Wasn’t this years Nobel Prize in Physics given for work that makes quantum computing a reality?

    • October 17, 2012 at 8:23 pm

      Precisely. Bamboozlement.

      Robotics is a joint effort between multiple schools, not even specifically the College of Computer Science.


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