Busy Somethings


Dog tired once again.

Let’s see…what happened today? I don’t even remember…

Went to NSBE, went to class, met with professor (who is by the way quite scary as I only casually mentioned the Waco books on his desk as I used to live there and launched him into a 20 minute lecture on government conspiracies),  chauffeured people out to a prophyte’s house for a pot luck, returned around 12:30.

After wrapping up a few chapter things, I’m going to jump in the bed and read for class (even though it’s 2:20). Luckily though, the material is somewhat interesting.

I would have something more interesting to write, but unfortunately, time is of the essence. Perhaps I will report on my first outing with a male (young grasshopper doesn’t count) since the ex. It still isn’t technically a date as I paid for the concert tickets, so…yeah…

I do have a good track record for real dates though. 100% of the people I’ve been on dates with successfully became a boyfriend. (Of course that’s only 2 people, but whateva. It’s about quality not quantity…)

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