Booty for sale


So I’m ho-ing myself out to the community tomorrow in a very literal way…

All for the kids though.

Lambda Delta Rho, the freshman leadership component of the National Society of Black Engineers at Tech, holds an annual date auction as a fundraiser for NSBE’s year end awards ceremony. It always draws a big crowd and is usually a pretty successful event.

I decided to take one for the team and be the AKA’s “rep?” “product?” “brand?”


I think it’s kind of interesting. If you’re a regular reader you would think I would be against such events, much less be in them. I mean, how different is it than getting sold on the slave block back in the day?

And theoretically the best looking people go for the most money?!

Which essentially equates to the people with the best physical characteristics for mating? (Booty, breasts for females and swagger for dudes that suggest talent/fertility in horizontal arenas?!?!)

AND it’s a huge blow to your ego if you go for only 15 cents?!?!?!

For shame! Right? How could I possibly agree to participate in such an event?!?!

I’ll tell you why!

Top 5 reasons why KaNisa will participate in the date auction

5. It’s an opportunity to be out of character.

I’m a pretty conservative/modest person. You’ll never see me wilding out at a club, warning skimpy clothes, or befriending random dudes on facebook/myspace that I don’t actually know (unless they’re frat). I figure this is the only time I can not be myself and still have my reputation the next day.

4. Potential V-day Activities

In my 21 odd years of life, I’ve only had 1 that involved a male that wasn’t my father. I figure I could perhaps up that count to 2 this year…maybe

3. Free food and/or entertainment

Not sure how it’s going to be this year, but most of the time the auction winners get coupons for free dinners and things to take their dates on. At least I can count on one meal I don’t have to pay for.

2. KaNisa loves the kids

I’m a huge supporter of LDR. The club really does its job in fostering leadership in younger students. I can say perhaps 80% of GT’s NSBE’s executive boards were a part of LDR their freshman year AND GTSBE has the reputation of winning national chapter of the year on many occasions.

1. NSBE Love

Though I’m not an engineer, NSBE has provided me with many opportunities. This year is the only year since I’ve started college that I wasn’t on the executive board and I feel since I don’t have time to be active in the chapter, I can at least make the flyer for the event and spend a few hours for the cause.

So though I don’t REALLY agree with the premise of auctioning off people, I do see why it’s necessary and I really do support the people who are putting the event on.

So if you’re from Tech and you’re reading this, please gather your money and support a great cause.

And buy me please.

For more the 20 bucks.

And make sure my date is cute.

That is all.

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