..and stuff


Aww…yay for college experiences….

(Clearly I don’t have many…)

So today was full of meetings as per usual. AKA regional conference is coming up fast and thus I had to partake in planning meetings. I’d planned to go to the Alpha district Miss Black & Gold pageant to support Nu Mu’s candidate, but it was looking like I wouldn’t be able to go due to the lateness of my responsibilities.

Eventually I did though.

Nu Mu’s lady did SO well on her talent and ended up getting Miss Congeniality. Too proud.

And afterward some of us went to have drinks and desserts at a bistro.

(By the way…strawtinis are lackluster. I prefer the hard stuff)

I had a good time…interesting conversation about the state of black Greek life on campus and worldwide…memories of the entering class of 03…trying to get a handle on the fact that most of our class will graduate in the next year.

It’s strange, it seems as if freshman year was so long ago, but at the same time, it seems I haven’t been at Tech for long at all.

I have to say, I’ve changed SO MUCH since freshman year. Though I complain all the time that college isn’t all it’s turned out to be, I have at least grown considerably in character. I suppose that’s what’s most important, to take this time to learn about yourself and what you’re capable of doing without too much parental interference.

I think my reserved nature has saved me from a lot of unnecessary drama. No I’ve never been drunk out of my anus, I’ve never been through the “party” phase, and I don’t have a lot of baggage from unnecessary relationships.

I mean nights like this with good conversation and somewhat passable alcohol are good enough for me.

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