(Late) Mid-week Update


I am EXTREMELY tired today. I’m not really sure why. I feel like I slept for MAYBE 10 minutes last night though it was probably more like 5-6 hours (normal).

Not sure if I’m coming down with something (a summer cold is going around the office) or if sleeping on epic bean bag last night had too much of an incline to get the good REM sleep. (In the middle of a closet clean out…my room is a situation).

I suppose I could sleep in my guest room, but I never think to do that for some reason…

…I hope it’s just the sleep situation. I think I might head out early today, take a few doses of cold eeze, and turn in early.

In other news…

Speed dating thing went okay.

It was a good place to just practice talking to people who may or may not have a romantic interest.

I don’t know that I’d go again, but that’s not because the event wasn’t well done or due to the caliber of dudes. Good on both of those.

And this probably isn’t even a good reason not to go…but…

EVERYONE “reacted” when I said what I did or what my hobbies were…like they’d never heard of a girl who likes video games, works on cars, works in the yard, or has an affinity for computers and technical things.

A lot of them called me a tomboy or were suspicious of me.

I never really recognize that technical chicks are rare until I get around…..dudes…of a certain type…Black dudes I didn’t go to Tech with

Or not even that, the reaction is so telling, initial surprise? Okay.

Still being suspicious after my disclosures or acting like I’m some sort of weird anomoly?

Telling…because it’s like yes my experience may not be typical, but why not be open to new ideas or points of view?

Why discount someone else’s experience just because it’s different than yours or  one that you haven’t personally experienced?

Like for me, I talked to 15 different dudes with vastly different experiences, jobs, backgrounds, etc…I never was like “whaaaaat?!?! That’s weird! That’s crazy?! No way?! Are you serious?! People like you exist?!?! You don’t look like the type of person to like those things!”

I’d just nod and ask more questions about what their lives were like, how they came to be where they are, and just asking things to understand their situations. Of course people have different life paths…that’s what makes them interesting!

. . .

I’m probably just finding issues where there are none, but…still that’s REALLY annoying.

Still an interesting experience though.

Further testing of the pillar rubric also happened. My BS radar was off the CHARTS with the authenticy related ones especially….

One guy was trying to be a cool/smooth rake type. Had a special hat, guns out with a shirtless tanktop (by guns I mean muscular biceps), etc…he tried all that posturing on me at first, until I started asking questions to cut through the facade. Turns out he breeds really beautiful mastiff/bulldogs. (He showed me pictures). I asked about the process and how often he has a litter for his dogs. He’s quite humane…only breeds his mom annually.

It was interesting though because once I got through the “hey there sweatheart *hat tip* *lip lick*” stuff by talking about his fur babies (my jargon), he turned into almost a different (and cooler) person.

I wish more people were THAT person instead of the person they think they should be to appeal to others…as you know, I’m really not ANYWHERE for fakeness…


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  • July 18, 2015 at 9:38 pm

    Does it become monotonous/tedious introducing yourself so many times in a night?

    • July 18, 2015 at 9:40 pm

      Yeah….especially since everyone asks the very same questions. Almost worth it to put a FAQ on the table since you only get 4 minutes…


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