Dinner De-Briefing

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Well it’s over!

I think my first dinner party went pretty well. It was strange at first since I didn’t know the dudes incredibly well…I’d just be in the kitchen cooking the last bit and ask questions periodically and they’d talk to each other… luckily I had my jams going though so it wasn’t too silent.

I think my menu went off well. The dudes ate every bit and their plates were heaping. I don’t know what it is about dudes and home cooked food…it was like they were trying to move in afterward!

Apparently, my place is really cozy and home like…people were getting a bit too comfortable doing things from taking off their shoes and doing number 2 in the bathroom (isolated incidents…not like it was a ritual or anything) to using my wireless internet for reasons…

After dinner we sat around playing adi and listening to music…it was pretty chill. I could see how they got so comfortable…the music, artists they’ve never heard before, was very relaxing… it’s always exciting to hear so much good music you’ve never heard before… and then in the environment of a fireplace and vanilla and earthy scented candles…and all my rich colors…

Not to mention the company of the beautiful woman that is me…

I guess I’d want to propose to me too! LOL.

The jury is still out on whether or not they like harbors of fallopian tubes though. They’d been to a Janet Jackson concert together…but it was with a group…

Only heaven knows.

Other random realizations:
Chardonnay wine is nasty. I’ve had a couple of different types of wine, but Riesling still is the favorite.

I still don’t like stuffing. My apple raisin stuffing with the tenderloin went over excellently, but I don’t think I’ll ever have a taste for any kind of stuffing…ever.

I can see how people can become alcoholics. I suppose I should be more careful about how often I drink because alcoholism runs in the fam…and I don’t weigh but so much… but I kind of like how I feel when drink…like it’s easier to sleep through the night and it’s somehow fun…also makes me kind of “bully” though if you know what I mean…not very helpful when a pen1s of worth isn’t around…

I don’t drink with random people…like I’d bought the dudes some Heinkin, but I had them take it with them. I’d also paid like 30 bucks for a bottle of wine and they didn’t drink too much of it so I didn’t want it to waste…I didn’t drink the whole bottle! Just a glass after they left. But since I’m quite little, I’m currently looking at the screen with my head tilted at a 90 degree angle…LOL

*makes a note not to buy any more alcohol for the rest of the month… (no worries though! I only have alcohol once a month…)

Overall though, an interesting time was had. No “resonating” going on though.

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1 Comment

  • January 18, 2008 at 8:46 am

    KaNisa, KaNisa, you never fail to make me laugh when I should be doing some reading or in class or some other such. Alcohol makes us all “bully”, its not just you. LOL.


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