Lil Bow Wow Moments @ Work…


Bow Wow Moment


I think it’s good that I’m taking a vacation from work for a week. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’d do.

So my firm is all about PowerPoint. Every time they have to make a presentation, they use PowerPoint. It’s like PowerPoint city up in here.

Tell me why, as much as they have to use it, nobody actually takes the time to LEARN how to use it?!

Like seriously…it’s not that difficult.

I’m a user centric designer. You ask me how to illustrate an idea or website or something I give you insight and design it for you.

I’m not a fix minuscule things in PowerPoint person…

You need to move a logo from one page to another?

Try copy and pasting it.

You need to add a word to a graphic?

Click “Insert text” and add it…

You need to take something out of a graphic? Ungroup it, select the one you want to take out, press delete.

I mean really guys? For real AND for true?

I’m only on your project for a minimal amount of hours! To create graphics where you actually need them takes time! I can’t waste time fixing 800 million small things you know you can do!


Some person had the nerve enough to completely BUTCHER my name! Nakisa?!?! Really?!?! How in the world can you look up my name in the directory and manage to completely mess it up like that?! Nakisa better be your wife or something and she better have been all in your thoughts because of the good poon she gave you last night because that is just disrespectful to be getting people’s names wrong like that. He ought to know better being a Black person…

*Shakes my fist in the air…


In other news.

I dreamed of me and Prince of this persuasion:

We were in a musical together. He was upset that he missed his piano solo and I comforted him. Then we ran up to the balcony to watch the rest of the show. He asked if I trusted him enough to hang me from the ledge and swing me around. I was like “Sure. This is a dream anyway…” We performed some random Cirque du Soleil type routine then left to have relations. Never made it to the final destination though. I somehow ended up at my apartment which was somehow attached to the arena where the Winter Olympics were being held. Like…if I went out on my balcony, instead of it being outside, it would be inside an ice skating rink. I got excited because I’d get to see Apolo Anton Ohno race and he was my ex boyfriend I was still good friends with (fictional of course). He was supposed to come over for dinner…

I think I’m feening for male attention. Since GAM fell off the face of the planet due to Dead Week and Exams, I haven’t had any AT ALL in weeks.

I always thought Prince was “relational” but that’s more based on the mastery of his talent than how he looks. Same deal with Apolo. Speed skating looks quite relational…specially when they’re going into those corners and their fingers brush the ice…is he cute though…not so much


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