Time Flies…

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…when you have stuff to do.

Now 11 days out from closing…16 days out from lease termination.

Loan submitted for final approval last Friday. Should hear back about decision soon (usually 24-72 hours).

Ordered boxes from Uhaul to start packing. Picking those up today. No matter what, still have to be out by the 31st so whether it’s to a house or to storage, stuff has to go somewhere.

Gotta order movers. Waiting on 2 Men and a Truck to call me back. Quote for moving to a house or to storage just in case.

Ordered a cleaning service. For some reason I told them to come at 8:30 because I’m a crazy person.

If the loan comes back clean, gotta set up Water, Power, and Internet/Cable transfer.

Gotta get Homeowner’s insurance (found out my car insurance people don’t service my area…so did some online quotes for others. Whoever actually calls me back gets preference. Don’t mind paying a bit extra for personal service.)

Thinking I close Friday, head over to the house to treat the floors after. (New  hardwoods, want to put another protective coat down). Maybe take my plants and some electronics over as well.

Depending on what time I close, and how long the floors need to be undisturbed, I’ll move Saturday or Sunday Morning.

Cable/Internet people coming the same day as moving day.

Cleaning service to the old place Monday morning.

Then I’ll be good to go!

So much to do!

I was going to get into some closets this weekend, but took a lot of naps instead.

I did pull out things from my dresser though!

The Goodwill pile has at least been initiated….

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1 Comment

  • July 15, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    Time Flies… …when you have stuff to do.

    It flies even faster when you have stuff to do and you procrastinate. But you don’t have to worry about that. I am impressed by how organized and thorough you are.

    I guess you won’t get an auto-home insurance combo discount. Maybe when your auto insurance policy expires you can renew it with the company you took your home insurance out with. Ask about combo discounts when you shop around for your home insurance.


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