And so it begins


Busy times.

Currently looking over an offer letter to be submitted in the morning for the foreclosure with tons of potential.

Homepath Rennovation Loan.

Tacking on 10k for the renovations.

Biting interest rate (in lieu of no mortgage insurance).

But we’ll see what we can see.

Flexing up to 25k+ (starting at a lol let’s just see kind of number).

Honestly thinking I have no chance in heck really. That will be an absolute gold mine for whoever gets it…even if they offer the listed  price.

But you never know…we’ll see what happens!

I’m honestly not emotionally tied to the place. I wouldn’t be terribly disappointed if I didn’t get it.

Though that may be because I’m thinking of the other expenses like furniture and things that would need to be upgraded…though that would need to happen regardless.

I would only get SUPER excited if they took any offers under 175 or so.

That would mean I’d be paying about what I pay now in rent for a house that sold for about 300k 5 years ago.

And that’s WITHOUT the upgrades I plan to do with that 10k.

And the place isn’t even in that bad shape!

That housing crash was real!

If I can get this property for a nice price, my gain will be even realer…

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