Happy Holidays!


I start getting antsy this time of the year.





new years

Of course I usually am disappointed as these holidays don’t really have the same awesomeness as they did when I was little.

But for the past several years, despite my TV schedules, I didn’t actually watch the specials that often. I especially didn’t my first Christmas back in Atlanta as I didn’t get cable until this year.

I feel like watching them in context with the seasonal commercials is a big part of the spirit.

Or really getting out of the house and doing things in the spirit of the holidays…brings the spirit of the holidays.

Already started planning Christmas celebrations! I got tickets to this :

Was just looking for some Christmas plays to go to, but decided to pause on that and back up to Halloween first.

Be on the lookout for the changeover to Halloween round these parts!

I’m putting my schedule and the template together over the next few days so ignore if things look a little strange.

I need some ideas for things to do to celebrate Halloween though. I’ve never really celebrated Halloween as an adult before.

So far I have :

  • Netherworld Haunted House
  • Going to a pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin
  • A Fall Fest (Not sure which one yet)
  • Zombie Village
  • Work party (We get to wear costumes to work. I’m going to be a ninja.)

What else can I do?

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  • September 28, 2012 at 10:09 am

    It’s not Halloween (or Christmas or Fall) without a KaNisa TV program preview/review.

    Why did you strikeout Thanksgiving and New Years?

    • September 28, 2012 at 10:52 am

      I never really liked Thanksgiving. Besides the Macy’s parade, it’s mostly memories of eating food I don’t like. (I have moderate disdain for dressing and was really sensitive to yeast when I was little.)

      Then New Years…I was terrified of the countdown and the year flashing on the screen…also a child. The countdown and ball dropping part still creeps me out a little.

      • September 29, 2012 at 10:52 am

        That seems like an irrational fear, yet all the creepy stuff about Halloween didn’t frighten you at all as a kid? Not even The Great Pumpkin?

      • September 29, 2012 at 1:22 pm

        Not at all. I don’t know….I’m sure there’s a deeper meaning there if I looked into it.

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