Coming Soon : Elf News Network (ENN)!


Anyone who knows me, knows this is my FAVORITE time of the year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas hold my favorite childhood memories, full of magic, wonder, family, just awesomeness. (Best thing about Thanksgiving is the Macy’s parade. I have memories of being forced to eat stuffing and things…which I hate…so…yeah. Boo Thanksgiving).

As a 27 year old with no kids, and a kind of mentally caught between awkward adolescence and adulthood (from a social point of view…outside of work I’m a super shy person) it’s a bit hard to recreate the magic. I’ve always felt like it would be easiest to just re-experience this when you have kids and grand kids…and to just spend the time until then planning and plotting.

But who knows if/when that will happen?

Aren’t the holidays really just about enjoying holiday spirit?

Isn’t it really just creating a USER experience for your family and friends?

What if there was a way to have such an experience online?

This year I’m approaching Christmas in a different way…instead of just doing it up around here, I’m going to hit the social networks in a big way.

Two timing…Facebook and Twitter with a dedicated presence.

I present :

Elf News Network (ENN).

I actually am doing some small scale UX type things…did a SWOT analysis to figure out what sort of content I’ll curate :

  • TV Movies/Specials Alerts
  • (Legal) Movie/Show links
  • Music Videos
  • Decorating/Recipes
  • Crafts
  • Website Spotlights
  • Polls

Thinking I’m probably missing the demographic that doesn’t use social networking…but for the purpose of my project, the main thrust of  being to remind people about TV specials, it’s the easiest way.

Really considered making an entire website for it to catch the rest of the e-world, but it seemed like that would be too much to maintain. The holiday sites that I’ve seen are so busy and just overloaded with random stuff it would be a beast. Plus I think most people visit their social networks more often  than specific websites.

(And to be real, aint nobody got time for all that)

But yeah…just registered the Facebook page and twitter account!

Will be setting things up for the rest of the week!

Elf News Network, coming soon to a digital device near you!

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Happy Halloween!
Next Post
Elf News Network Launched!


  • November 1, 2012 at 6:48 pm

    My first thought was that you were going to create a channel using Elf Yourself dancing elves.


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