You shot me you A hole!


She’s fine.
She’s sexy she’s cool.
She’s from [Center Street]
And she likes to get loose…

Borrowed from my ace/tail and that hippity hoppity music they listen to…

Aw, phirst pham was so much fun!

I didn’t think that many people would come since the plan was to meet at 7:45 and no one was there at 8, but it turned out to be about 30 or so people.

And we all regressed to the age of about 10. LOL.

I really didn’t think it would be THAT fun, but it really was. There’s nothing like the excitement good wholesome fun brings, or the feelings of euphoira afterwards….

Okay well it wasn’t THAT serious, but there was a prolonged “fun” feeling involved.

I was even out of the box again today….rode with people who I didn’t usually ride with, rode back with someone else to meet more people. Made phone calls to people I’d usually “hide behind my computer or text message.” Made tenative plans with someone which better come through within the next ten minutes or else my frisky adventure feeling will fade and I will make it a Coupling night.

Next month is my turn to plan Phirst Pham Friday. It’s going down at Sambucca Jazz Cafe.

Not sure how i’ll work exactly, but I do know it will have a Grown & Sexy theme. I think it’ll be fun to dress up and go to a nice place like that…people can listen to jazz, nurse their drinks, and talk. and be grown. and sexy.

Yeah I’ll have to make all that appealing somehow…

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