To Be One


Just in case you didn’t know, this is the standard of Nu Beta. 

To be one…is to know what AKA is all about
It’s not about the salmon pink and apple green,
Nor about the pretty stance or the pinky thing
It’s not about the party walks and the way we dance,
Nor about the way we fix our hair and the way we prance
It’s not about how we look each day
Nor about who has what to say
It’s not about if we like someone or not
Nor about what new outfit is whack and which is hot
It’s not about being pretty in pink or gorgeous in green,
Nor about how stuck up you think we can be
It’s not about being able to Skee-Wee
Nor about which frat is looking at me…
But it is about service to all mankind,
And the dedication we have is for a lifetime
It’s about respecting one another for how God created us to be
And about commitment in this finest sorority
It’s about understanding where we all come from
and where we are going,
And about acknowledging one another on this life filled journey
It’s about sisterhood and friendships,
And about meeting new people to build perfect relationships
It’s about working together for a divine purpose,
And knowing how to handle tough situations when they surface
It’s about being confident and knowing what to say,
And about understanding there is no other way
To be one…. is to know and respect ANY lady of AKA

by Soror Natalie Freeman

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