Regional Review


Nothing much happening today.

Those meetings are sooooo boring, I was about to fall over and die. I brought my biography of Huey P Newton, but I thought it would be rude to read it, especially since I’m a delegate that’s supposed to be listening to stuff so I can vote tomorrow. Still though…phone was steady in my hand to check the time.

This morning I went to a leadership breakfast. It was pretty nice, I mean the food was okay, but we met some Sorors from our graduate chapter. It was cool to hear their stories about AKA back in the day when they PLEDGED….

I love how the older Sorors are like, “so when did you PLEDGE?” It seems like the only people who are haters when it comes to that kind of thing are the ones that came in grad after all the stuff went down in the 90’s. A lot of grad Sorors lost respect for the undergrads because a lot of people only had to go through the weekend process… and then even though I’m sure they were pledged hard, they kept their stuff under wraps unlike the Sorors of today…

I’m not going to go there though because that would be a long essay and supporting the idea of pledging activities in any way is a BAD practice that “destroys” or beloved Sorority…

even though it’s a shame when your own soror doesn’t respect the organization enough to know your own founders…

and think that the Sorority is a clique

or a social institution that’s all about party walking and skee weeing

and does community service just to do it and not to actually make a difference….


Had lunch with a Tech alum. I didn’t really know him, but one of my prophytes did. He works for bank of america here in charlotte. He and his friends do some interesting things like monitor what the people in the building do on their computers…it’s their job to report those who use them for bad things…

I know to be candied in my emails to people know, dang…

Now we’re just hanging around the hotel. I want to take a nap to recover from last night… got about two hours of sleep after staying up to make a flyer for someone…had to get up at 6 again to go to the breakfast….I really need to learn to say no to people.

T-minus 34 hours and 56 minutes!

I think I might go to a club somewhere tonite…a 21+ one finally. I already know I’m not fond of the actual taste of alcohol so I want my first official drink to be a strawberry daiquiri. We’ll see how I like it…

taurus characteristics are really kicking in…especially that last little bit. I need a male…just for a little while

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