Onyx Ball


Nu Beta

I’m third from the right.

We were deep.

I was pretty.

People said I actually looked older for once.

It was my first semi-formal (didn’t go to prom or anything in high school)

But it’ll probably be my last.

Not that anything bad happened, it just wasn’t like a “oh my goodness that was fun” kind of experience. I’m sure the ball was make you make it so most of that might have been my fault (aside from strolling I just sat and watched my prophyte grind on her boyfriend…alarming!) Randoms would take their turns admiring the beauty that was me, and a few approached, but I know I had an air about me, the kind that says “I don’t like hippity hoppity music, don’t grind on me,” or “I’m just here to be seen so don’t talk to me.”

Everyone looked really beautiful though. It was a nice program and was well put together. If you like that kind of thing, then I’m sure it would have been great. If I wasn’t required to go though, I would have been slap in the bed, sleep.

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