It’s the weekend


I have to say.

I’m pretty satisfied with my life right now.

Things are going fairly well, school is still bearable, sorority life is manageable, and because I’m getting along so well with my line sisters, social life is also going okay. The addition of the 360 and my po bug (which was dropped off by my parents tonight), have also added to the quality of life. The rest of the weekend will be spent catching up/ getting ahead in school and resting.

Today was fairly busy. We had a tailgate before the game with the Kappas. I saw a lot of people I haven’t seen in a while…older Kappas, and older sorors of my own. Some area AKA’s also came out to support us which was really nice. After that, since me and one of my ls’s didn’t have tickets, fending off leers and angry stares (she was wearing a green sundress) we went back to my room, made spaghetti and watched the game. It was unfortunate that we didn’t win, but it was really nice that we weren’t killed.

Now I’m listening to the Classic Soul radio station on Napster and playing on my 360.

A nerd with soul…yep that’s me!

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