Chocolate Sunday


It’s the start of a very busy week…charter week…AKA Skee Week.

We were chartered on Tech’s campus 27 years ago on April 14th. Every year, we have “Skee Week” which is a celebration of Nu Beta legacy. The program I’m chairing is Cater to You: A Male Appreciation Night.

Isn’t that ironic? Most of the time I’m all, “I don’t like people with penises” yet I’m chairing a program that’s supposed to glorify them. It’s crazy…

Today was Chocolate Sunday. We got donations of chocolate deserts from various restaurants and offered an all you can eat buffet for a dollar. Proceeds went to the American Alzheimer’s Association.

In Other News…

Turns out I had a cold, not allergies these past couple of days. Actually, it could be allergies, Nyquil has an antihistamine in it too doesn’t it? Whatever it was, Nyquil knocked it right out. I’ll be on it tonite too after an hour or so of Nick at Nite.

I wrote some Ujima the other day. I’m a bit weary about it though because I thought I password protected it but it looked like it was still public. It was only a crappy draft a until a few minutes ago. I hope no one saw it…that would be a bit embarrasing. I don’t even know if I want to make it public. It’s based on a situation in my life right now, and if people that know me read it, they won’t know what’s fact and what’s fiction. Plus I don’t allow just anyone to be privy to my feelings and practices regarding erotica. But then this is MY journal which is an expression of MY thoughts and ideas…but then I don’t want to expose people that would be in my stories either…

I’ll marinate it.

Maybe I’ll be an author one day. Yeah, they’ll call me Kane…like Zane? No? Oh well…

Edited to add: Is it just me, or is the ATL taking over hipity hopity music wise? Seems like they’re blowing up on Black Exploitation Television…

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