Busy! Oh my gosh…


Today was the busiest day EVER! Here’s how it went:

8:00 AM Wake up and prepare for class/study for test
9:30 – 11 AM Internet Design
11 AM – Noon Study for marketing test
Noon – 1:30 Marketing Test
1:30 -3:30 Put finishing touches on programs book for AKA regional
3:30 – 5:00 Go to printers for the book
(It looks absolutely incredible by the way. I’m not one to brag, but this is actually worth bragging about. Maybe I’ll post it after it’s all over…)
5:00 6:30 Make changes and go back to printers
6:30 10 Chapter Meeting
10 – 1 another meeting

I’ve finally returned to my room. SO tired and hungry, I don’t know what to do with myself. I had my daily intake of vegetables (shocking, yes. I eat them now), but man, that stuff isn’t filling. I really just want to go to bed, and actually can since I don’t have anything due until after spring break, but i feel like i have to be productive just because deadlines and tests and everything else have been so crazy lately.

LOL when I finally have time to be lazy, I don’t want to.

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