A Year Ago Today…


It should be a somewhat eventful week.

Firstly though. It is the official anniversary of my sorority pinning today.

#3 Carpe Diem
Veni, Vidi, Vici Fall 05
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

Can’t believe how much I’ve learned about myself and just about life in the last year or so. They say being Greek shouldn’t change a person, but I can definitely say it has changed me tremendously. I’ve become more assertive, learned how to effectively run an organization/business, and have overcome more trials in this one year or so that I have ever encountered in such a condensed amount of time (in comparison to life).

Was it worth it, though sometimes I question that on the not so good days, I think has been. Job interviews are a breeze (I have a WEALTH of information and situations to draw from for those situational questions), I can speak in front of a large group with no problem at all, and I just feel more prepared for life in that nothing at all can come my way that I can’t handle. Would I have learned those lessons had I not been Greek? Probably, despite it all though, I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything.

The Bayou Classic is back in New Orleans this year! As per tradition, the fam is traveling down to spend Thanksgiving with other fam and partake in the festivities.

I remember, Bayou Classic was one the first reasons why I wanted to be an AKA. Though it was entirely superficial, almost every year since I was 7 or 8, we went to the Step Show/Battle of the Bands and almost every year, the K’s from Southern won. I remember the skee weeing, how pretty they were, and how much better they were than anyone else and said, “man, that’s going to be me one day.”

This will be the first (and maybe last) time I get to walk around NO sporting my line jacket and being proud with my Greek cousins (all phirst phamers) so I’m kind of excited! I’m finally of age too?! N.O is.not.ready…


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