Something New


Someone posted something on facebook about how so called “nice people” being single is their own fault…mostly because they felt they weren’t “nice” but had found someone quite easily.

I was a bit annoyed at first, like it’s not as if people are out there waiting to be scooped up, but at the same time, I own my own situation and why my relationship status is what it is.

FOR ME it’s three fold.

1. I don’t leave my house much.
2. I use work as an excuse to stay in (though most of the time, that’s legit.)
3. I don’t feel like I have the energy to invest in another person right now. I know I tend to do a lot, and don’t feel like going through the rigmarole when I have other isht to do.

I didn’t mean to, but I put some of my theories to the test over the past week.

What if I DID leave my house more often?

What if I DIDN’T use work as an excuse to stay in?

What if I DID expend some energy getting to know someone.

Result? Two very different prospects.

Test One – Sorority Mixer

Phirst Pham (Alpha Phi Alpha and Alpha Kappa Alpha) have this pseudo family thing going on…honestly I always avoided such events, mostly because I hate it when people throw around their greekness after college. True that we are perpetual organizations, some being even MORE active as a grad member, but it just bothers me when people use it as a status symbol. These kinds of events are pretty much glory day reunions when slightly older people try to recreate their college memories of a time when being greek meant something.

(I’m just sayin…)

But yeah I’ve started to hang around more social greeks lately and they were planning to go.

I think I mentioned it, but I had a 2 dollar bet that I wouldn’t meet someone…ended up meeting someone and lost my two dollars.

Interesting thing is that he was all the things on paper…and was aesthetically pleasing, but I’m pretty sure we have 0 in common.

Communication has also been limited to texting…of which you know I’m not really about as I even have to sift through my phone apps to find the phone part to make phone calls…

So that’s that situation…

Test Two – Neighborhood Party

I think I mentioned this as well, but my neighborhood throws parties for the most minute reasons. I missed the first “SnowJam Part 2” party which consisted of libations and crab legs, but went to the “SnowJam Part 2 : Part 2” party last night. Really light appetizers and a whole lot of alcohol. Everyone there went through 2 rounds of shots. I talked to people but mostly kept to myself…and it seems that I was noticed.

This time by a Caucasian Persuasion which was new for me…

I didn’t know he took notice until I went home and had texts in my phone from neighbors that somebody liked me, lol. They sent pictures and asked if they could give dude my number.

I was like why not?

He texted, said I was pretty…I thanked him.

He texted again but I didn’t see it until this morning…trying to set up a meetup for morning sledding.

Things melted, so it didn’t pan out…but….

Test Three – Dinner Party

Dude’s housemate invited me to dinner party/game night. All couples, plus me and the guy who took an interest.

I was reallllly wavering (see excuse #2 above…I have a isht ton to do.) But decided to go to be different and practice being social.

Turns out dude and I have a TON in common (Dr. Pepper, video games, side eyes for vegetables), but not so much on the “on paper” side of things.

It was a fun time though! We played this :

Just ordered a copy from amazon!

So interesting conundrum. Past two times I went out, I hooked two guys. One guy looks good on paper, but we don’t have much in common and he isn’t a go getter when it comes to being proactive about getting to know me. Other guy I have a lot in common with and IS a go getter, but the “future state” situation isn’t solid. Both seem to be nice honest guys, if only they could be combined into one person….good on paper, lots in common, and go getter?

ETA : Oh hells no…yeah the white guy is married according to his facebook profile, so no. I don’t want your number, no. I don’t want to give you mine.



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  • February 15, 2014 at 2:36 am

    I picture your ‘neighbours’ as homogeneous entity. Surely the neighbours knew he was married. I mean, he was invited so they must have know him.

    • February 18, 2014 at 10:27 am

      Yeah I’ve been told I should be weary of them as because of this they’ve demonstrated they’re looking out for him more than me…


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