Greek Life

Regional Review

Nothing much happening today. Those meetings are sooooo boring, I was about to fall over and die. I brought my biography of Huey P Newton, but I thought it would be rude to read it, especially since I’m a delegate that’s supposed to be listening to stuff so I can vote tomorrow. Still though…phone was...Read More

Time of the Taurus

Went to a probate today. That was the crunkest Alpha show I’ve ever seen before in life. Alpha Rho over at Morehouse brought in 19 dudes in 06…19…06…1906, yeeah… I bet they got BEAT DOWN to earn that 06 on their jackets… In other news… According to some astrological sources, the sun has entered the...Read More


I’m so tired… I don’t know how I end up staying up so late, but for some reason I always do. It was especially silly for me to do that last night since I had to get up to do research for extra credit this morning. A total of three hours of sleep. I need...Read More
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