Greek Life

Special Delivery

I’ve been seeing Ur-sher’s new video floating around the internet. I have to say, I wasn’t impressed. I think his best album to date is Confessions…I remember when it came out… It was spring semester of my freshman year. I was hardcore IG-ing for AKA…showing up at all their programs…befriending them and such. I remember...Read More

Skee wee!

Just a few more days until AKA turns 100! Watch out if you don’t like to look at pink and green…the blog will be DECKED OUT on January 15! I’m kind of sad because I’m right here by DC, but won’t be able to attend the celebration at Howard. Unfortunately, I have mandatory training for...Read More

History of Pledging

I was looking around for some preliminary information for my thesis on the evolution of BGLO’s and found this. If you ever wondered about some of the institutions on pledging like “wood,” “seeking the light,” etc. check this out. Pledge (pleg)n. (1) A person undergoing a trial period before formal initiation into a fraternity or...Read More
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